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FWC Decides on Family or Domestic Violence

The Fair Work Commission decision in March 2018 recognised that family and domestic violence “is an issue that impacts on workplaces and…requires specific action.”
As part of the four yearly review of modern awards, in July 2017 the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission (“FWC”) formed the preliminary view that it was necessary to make provision for family and domestic violence leave, but that they were not satisfied that it was to include in all modern awards an entitlement to 10 days’ paid leave. However, the FWC did express the preliminary views that all employees experiencing family or domestic violence should have access to unpaid leave and that employees should be able to access personal/carer’s leave for the purpose of taking family and domestic leave.
Parties were then provided with the opportunity to make submissions before the decision was finalised. In March 2018 the Full Bench reconvened, and decided to provide five days unpaid leave per annum to all employees (including casuals). However, it deferred consideration of whether employees should be able to access personal/carer’s leave for the purpose of taking family and domestic violence leave.
While the exact wording of the new model term has not been finalised, the March 2018 Full Bench decision gives a good indication of the scope of the obligations.
Proposed model term
As it is currently framed, the model term will allow an employee experiencing family or domestic violence to take five days’ unpaid leave per annum if:
- the employee needs to take some action to deal with the impact of family or domestic violence; and
- it is impractical for the employee to do that outside their ordinary hours of work.
The leave will be available for full-time, part-time, and casual employees. Eligible employees will be entitled to the full five days’ leave from the start of each year, but the leave will not accumulate.
In applying for the new entitlement:
- an employee will need to give notice to their employer as soon as practicable (which may be a time after the leave has started) advising the employer of the expected period of the leave;
- an employee, if required by the employer, will need to provide evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person that the leave is taken for the specified purpose; and
- employers will need to take steps to ensure that the employee’s information is treated confidentially (as far as it is reasonably practicable to do so).
How this entitlement will fit in with other rights and obligations
Once the drafting of the model term has been finalised, employers will need to amend their policies accordingly. Many employers may have been dealing with this type of leave entitlement already, as it has been incorporated in a range of enterprise agreements for some time, and often on more generous terms, including paid leave entitlements. There is also an existing obligation under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) to consider requests for flexible work arrangements for those experiencing family or domestic violence, and those supporting someone in this situation.
Key takeaways