Online Course
Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying at Work
Human Resources , Legal
Course Duration:
1hrCourse Overview
This course will enable you to:
- identify the legal framework regarding workplace bullying, discrimination, and sexual harassment;
- understand key concepts such as direct and indirect discrimination and reasonable management action;
- recognise who is responsible for such conduct, including the obligations of employees; and
- understand how complaints are made and the legal process.
This course has been designed to discharge an organisation’s compliance obligations and can be used as part of an organisation’s induction and onboarding processes.
We suggest that managers and those with people management responsibility in your organisation complete the “Behaviour and Culture for Managers and HR Practioners” course.
Approximate Completion Time
1 hour
Course Content
Module1 |
Unlawful Discrimination In this component, we will look at:
Module 2 |
Sexual harassment In this component, we will look at:
Module 3 |
Workplace bullying In this component we consider:
Module 4 |
Responsibility for discrimination, harassment and bullying at work In this component we consider:
Module 5 |
Complaints and legal processes In this component we outline:
Course Fees
Completion of the course requires a licence, which is issued upon registration and payment.
A standalone licence for this course is $95.00 including GST.
Discounts are available for organisations purchasing ten or more licences. Please email to request a quote.